3 Little Liposuction Target Spots that Can Make All the Difference

When most people think about liposuction, they tend to think of major target spots, like the stomach, thighs and love handles. These are common areas for both men and women to store excess fat, but when it comes to some smaller problem spots, you might be surprised at what a noticeable difference a little targeted fat reduction can make. Here are three small problem areas that can have a big impact on your overall appearance.

1. Double Chin

The double chin can plague men and women who have a history of weight gain as well as those with no weight issues at all. A double chin can be hereditary, and results from an accumulation of subcutaneous fat beneath the chin, obscuring your jawline and neck. By using liposculpting techniques to gently reduce your double chin, you can improve the appearance of your face, neck and jaw in one simple procedure.

2. Around the ankles “Cankles”

Cankles are the common name given to overly thick ankles that don’t taper down from your calves as much as they should. Cankles can make you appear bulky and cause difficulty fitting into boots and certain types of shoes. Liposuction can slim down the ankles to create a more streamlined appearance for your legs that helps you feel confident in skirts, dresses and shorts.

3. Bra line “bra bulge”

The pesky rolls of fat that can bulge out of your bra straps or bikini ties can appear unsightly in tight clothing or at the pool. Men and women alike can suffer from a disproportionate amount of fat stored in the back, detracting from their more defined contours. Liposuction can reduce the fatty bulges in your upper, lower or mid-back to help you feel more comfortable in you clothes and happy to show off your figure.

