Liposculpture vs. Liposuction: 4 Important Distinctions

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ometimes, diet and exercise just isn’t enough. Everybody has areas of stubborn fat on their body that make them uncomfortable, and lifestyle modifications aren’t always enough to see results. In situations like these, liposuction can be an effective treatment to give your contours a sleeker definition. Liposuction isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, though. Patients who need specific,…

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3 Advantages of Double Eyelid Surgery

asian eyelid surgery

Double eyelid surgery, sometimes referred to as Asian eyelid surgery, is a procedure that creates an additional upper eyelid crease in individuals with a single crease in their upper eyelids. Men and women of East Asian descent are often born with only a single crease in their upper eyelids. While double eyelid surgery is certainly…

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Can a Tummy Tuck Have Medical Benefits?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is generally considered a strictly cosmetic procedure. However, recent evidence suggests that a tummy tuck may offer patients some medical benefits as well. Urinary Stress Incontinence Stress incontinence refers to a bladder control problem where urine can be released involuntarily, especially if the patient laughs, sneezes, coughs or lifts…

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3 Tips for Choosing Your Breast Augmentation Surgeon

Planning your breast augmentation is an exciting, if daunting task. While you have many factors to consider for your ideal breast augmentation results, no single one matters as much as your choice of breast augmentation surgeon. There are a few steps you can take to make sure you find the best cosmetic surgeon to meet…

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3 Little Liposuction Target Spots that Can Make All the Difference

neck liposuction

When most people think about liposuction, they tend to think of major target spots, like the stomach, thighs and love handles. These are common areas for both men and women to store excess fat, but when it comes to some smaller problem spots, you might be surprised at what a noticeable difference a little targeted…

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Why a Mini Tummy Tuck Doesn’t Have to Mean Mini Results

is labiaplasty painful

Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the belly. While a full, or traditional, tummy tuck can provide the best contouring results for those concerned with their upper and lower abdominal appearance, a mini tummy tuck is a less involved form of abdominoplasty that can be…

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Will Breast Implants Give You the Perfect Breast Shape?


Breast implants can be an excellent option for womenhoping to increase the size of their breasts and enjoy a curvier figure. However, when it comes to the shape of your breasts, how much influence can breast augmentation have? Natural Anatomy Affects Your Results The primary goal of breast augmentation is to provide a boost to…

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4 Benefits of Smartlipo™ for Specific Problem Spots

Not all pockets of fat can be slimmed down with diet and exercise alone. That’s why so many men and women turn to body contouring procedures like liposuction to help streamline their figure. However, when it comes to liposuction techniques, there are certain advantages of some methods over others. Smartlipo™, which uses laser technology to…

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Can You Get Lipo If You’re Already Skinny?

Liposuction, a popular body contouring procedure that permanently removes fat cells from problem areas, is typically associated with individuals who struggle with isolated fat deposits even when they’re already at a healthy weight. But what about in the case of makeup blogger Megan O’Brien, who is a size zero and still got liposuction? Liposuction and…

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4 Fashion Tips to Show Off Your New Breast Implants

For many breast augmentation patients, one of the most exciting things about getting breast implants is having a whole new set of wardrobe options. Your new curves will make clothing that may have looked boring on you before appear fresh and sexy. When you’re considering how to show off your new breast implants, keep these tips in…

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