You Shouldn’t Have to Hide Your Cosmetic Surgery

Though cosmetic surgeryshutterstock_111186131 is rising in popularity, it’s understandable that some people want to keep their surgery private. But an increasing number of patients feel comfortable telling friends, family and even coworkers about their experience, and that’s a good thing.

Growing Acceptance

The good news is that cosmetic surgery is growing—and its fans are growing too. Cosmetic surgery is a more accepted choice than it once was, giving more patients the freedom and flexibility to improve their self-confidence without worry of being stigmatized.

With as much body-positivity as there is floating around these days, you’d think that any ideas supporting cosmetic surgery shame wouldn’t last long. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and many individuals still weigh how “obvious” their results will be in their decision to get cosmetic surgery.

The Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck provides one great example of how sharing your decision to have surgery can be very positive for you and for your loved ones. People who are unfamiliar with abdominoplasty may see it as a lose-weight-quick solution, when the reality is quite different—a tummy tuck has nothing to do with losing weight.

The benefits of a tummy tuck typically include excision of loose or stretched out abdominal skin and tightening of the abdominal musculature. These goals are common issues that affect post-partum women, and are impossible to correct through exercise and weight loss methods alone.

By talking about why you chose surgery, you can educate important people in your life and get support for your decision. That said, it’s totally fine for people who are more focused on their privacy to be more reserved about who they tell. But in today’s culture, there’s no reason to feel shame or fear that you might face ridicule—you may be surprised how supportive and understanding the people in your life are.

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